SOPHOS SCHOOL INDONESIA, founded on 17 April 2006, is a private formal education institution with four educational units, Preschool, Primary, Lower Secondary, and Upper Secondary level. In July 2006, we began providing education services starting with Preschool level, followed with Primary level in 2009 and Lower Secondary level in 2012. Based on the analysis of needs and requests from parents and the community, the Upper Secondary level was built in 2020.
Currently, Sophos School Indonesia is a one-stop educational institution running a blended curriculum system that integrates national and international curriculums at Primary and Secondary levels, taught by professional educators who are committed to ensuring our graduates can seamlessly pursue higher education at domestic or foreign universities abroad.
As an SPK (Satuan Pendidikan Kerjasama) school, Sophos School Indonesia is a centre school for Cambridge Assessment International Education at the Primary and Lower Secondary levels, and the Oxford International AQA Examination at the Upper Secondary level.
We are located in the CBD (Central Business District) in the heart of BSD City, opposite a large hospital and close to residential areas, providing easy access to both private and public transportation with the BSD Link Feeder Bus facility.

Integrating Academic Excellence with Noble Character

Keni Nicholas Ondang
Represented Indonesia to participate in the 12th Regional Congress Search for SEAMEO Young Scientists
Receiving the Special Award for Educational Contribution (Mathematics category) with a project entitled Investigation of the Effectiveness of ZUMATH to Construct Mathematics Concept Using RME Approach, in Malaysia 8-10 March 2022.

David Tulus Halomoan Haryanto
Represented Indonesia to participate in the 12th Regional Congress Search for SEAMEO Young Scientists
Receiving the Special Award for Educational Contribution (Mathematics category) with a project entitled Investigation of the Effectiveness of ZUMATH to Construct Mathematics Concept Using RME Approach, in Malaysia 8-10 March 2022.

Donovan Putra Adidarma
Represented Indonesia to participate in the 12th Regional Congress Search for SEAMEO Young Scientists
Receiving the Special Award for Educational Contribution (Mathematics category) with a project entitled Investigation of the Effectiveness of ZUMATH to Construct Mathematics Concept Using RME Approach, in Malaysia 8-10 March 2022.

Gregorio Hansel
Represented Indonesia to participate in the 12th Regional Congress Search for SEAMEO Young Scientists
Receiving the Special Award for Educational Contribution (Mathematics category) with a project entitled Investigation of the Effectiveness of ZUMATH to Construct Mathematics Concept Using RME Approach, in Malaysia 8-10 March 2022.

Sophos School Indonesia (Primary/SD)
Accredited as a SPK (Satuan Pendidikan Kerjasama) School by National School Standardise Board (BAN S/M)
Ministry of Culture and Education, Republic of Indonesia

Sophos School Indonesia
As An Oxford International AQA Approved Centre
with ID Number 96253

Sophos School Indonesia - Centre ID Number 294
has Meet Quality Standard
as a Cambridge International School
Approval by Cambridge Assessment International Education

Renan Geren Rumambi (Grade 9)
2nd Place Winner
in Instrumental Music Competition - SMP level
at Baden Powell Day 2021, Gugus Darma KH. Agus Salim Tangerang Selatan

Ignatius Owen Iskandar (Grade 7)
2nd Place Winner
in Singing Competition - SMP level
at Baden Powell Day 2021, Gugus Darma KH. Agus Salim Tangerang Selatan

Jason Maynard Lim (Grade 9)
3rd Place Winner
in Singing Competition - SMP level
at Baden Powell Day 2021, Gugus Darma KH. Agus Salim
Tangerang Selatan

Michael Calvin Tjahaya (Grade 10)
3rd Place Winner
in Singing Competition - SMA level
at Baden Powell Day 2021, Gugus Darma KH. Agus Salim Tangerang Selatan

SMP Sophos Indonesia
Sebagai Sekolah Adiwiyata Tingkat Kota Tangerang Selatan Tahun 2021
Diberikan Oleh Walikota Tangerang Selatan

Andreas Wilson Kasoa (Grade 11)
2nd Place Winner
in Solo Music Video Competition - SMA level
at GLARISA4 2021, Kharisma Bangsa School

Salvatore Joel Cnockaert (Grade 6)
Joyce Ghanima Petriviena (Grade 6)
Francesco Kenzie Latuperissa (Grade 6)
Daniel Chalmer Halim (Grade 6)
Kody Adam LIamas (Grade 6)
Has Achieved the Perfect Score for
English As a Second Language Subject
in Cambridge International Primary Checkpoint
May 2021 Series

Keni Nicholas Ondang (Grade 11)
has Achieved the Perfect Score
for Chemistry and Physics Subjects in OxfordAQA International GCSE Test
May 2021 Series

Khaliya Zahamira Llamas (Grade 11)
has Achieved the Perfect Score
for Biology and English As Second Language Subjects
in OxfordAQA International GCSE Test
May 2021 Series

Keni Nicholas Ondang (Grade 11)
has Achieved the Perfect Score
for Chemistry and Physics Subjects in OxfordAQA International GCSE Test
May 2021 Series

Khaliya Zahamira Llamas (Grade 11)
has Achieved the Perfect Score
for Biology and English As Second Language Subjects
in OxfordAQA International GCSE Test
May 2021 Series

Aaron Conan Johannes (Grade 11)
has Achieved the Perfect Score
for English As Second Language Subject
in OxfordAQA International GCSE Test
May 2021 Series

Bapak Daniel Virginia Lie and Ibu Emma Kurniawidjaja

Jersi Emelia Simon

Adhisakti Sahasrara Nugroho

Bapak Haris dan Ibu Restuti G